Fr Andrew Swift is Team Rector of the North Potteries Team. He is based in Smallthorne. Before coming to Smallthorne Fr Andrew finished his curacy in a London parish and has returned to his Midlands roots in order to take up his first appointment as Vicar, initially at S. Saviour's, then later as Priest-in-Charge together with S. Werburgh's Burslem in 2019, and finally as Team Rector in 2020 with the inclusion of Holy Trinity and the formation of the Team.
Fr Andrew is married to Sarah-Claire and they have a cat and two dogs.
If you would like to get in touch with Fr Andrew about anything please check the contact page where you can find a contact number and email address.
Our Assistant Priest is Fr Philip Garrett, he is with us on placement whilst completing his training with some 'on the job' experience. Fr Philip trained for ordination at Queens in Birmingham and was ordained at Lichfield Cathedral as deacon in 2022, and as priest at S. Michael's, Cross Heath in 2023.
Fr Glen is married to Jo and they have two children.
You may also meet Fr Ron Whittingham, and Fr Kevin Scott who are retired but live locally and worship with us.
The Parish Priest